Feature article
5 tips for social media success
Create leads and amplify your personal brand.
Done well, social media can be used as a tool to not only help increase listing page views and buyer engagement, it can help drive your digital brand presence and build relationships too.
Here are some ways to make social media work for you:
1. Be consistent – do you have a strategy for your social activity?
One of the keys to being effective in social media is posting consistently and making sure what you do adds value. Take the time to consider what you want to accomplish, and how you’re going to get there.
Think about creating a calendar to compile all of the content you want to post — these may be great articles you’ve sourced, blog posts you have written, or a story about a happy vendor.
Be authentic – is the content true to you? Will people believe in it?
How will your brand stay at the front of peoples’ minds? The key is to offer useful advice and be a part of the conversation to pique their interest on a personal level.
Remain as authentic, honest and straight up as possible so your audience can get to know you and feel comfortable reaching out.
3. Be meaningful – are you posting relevant and useful content for your audience?
Ask yourself, “what type of content would be most relevant for my brand and my audience?”
Think quality over quantity and focus on content that sets you apart from your competitors, establishing your position as the local expert in your region by offering unique information, advice and perspective. This will help build a relationship that means something to your followers. Your goal is to create an active and engaging page so that they’ll want to see your updates.
4. Be conversational – do your posts allow your audience to interact with you?
Digital natives engage in relationships with brands and professionals online with the expectation of two-way communication. Is there a way to involve the audience and create discussion? Be sure to reply to those who interact with your posts.
Listen to your audience, you’ll start to get an understanding of what type of content they engage in, whether through comments, likes, or clicks through to your blog.
5. Be targeted – are you using each social channel to its full potential?
Take advantage of the measurement tools available across the platforms you use, using the learnings to focus and tailor your efforts where you know you’ll get traction.
If you're finding it time-consuming to keep track of all of the social media and digital solutions out there, consider adding Audience Extension to your Trade Me Property marketing package. It extends the reach of your property listing and enables you to sell one marketing solution optimised for maximum listing exposure and engagement across Trade Me Property, social media and other digital platforms.
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