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Pricing FAQs

Helpful answers to questions you may have about pricing at Trade Me Property.


What is a Boost?

  • A Boost is one of our add-on products. You need to have at least a Feature active on a listing in order to be able to apply a Boost. Applying a Boost to your listing will rotate it to the top of the same marketing products listings in our ‘Featured First’ search results i.e if you apply a Boost to a Feature, it will go to the top of the Feature listings.
  • A Boost is only available in Residential for Rent, Commercial for Sale and Commercial for Lease categories.

What is the difference between a Super Feature and a Super Feature Renewal?

When you apply a Super Feature, a Feature product is included. The Feature product lasts until a listing expires or is withdrawn from site, while a Super Feature lasts 7 days. If you would like Super Feature on your listing for another 7 days, you can apply a Super Feature Renewal.

Can I reapply an Audience Extension?

You can apply an Audience Extension when the initial one expires. There are no renewal prices available. An Audience Extension lasts for 2 weeks.

What is the difference between a Partnership Agreement, and a Partnership Agreement Plus?

  • A Partnership Agreement includes auto-application of a marketing package.
  • Partnership Agreement Plus is when Audience Extension is auto-applied in addition to your marketing package.

Why are there Zones in the Residential For Sale and New Homes categories?

Trade Me Property pricing structure is designed to be transparent and fair. Our residential for sale and new homes pricing is structured across four geographical zones, and the pricing for each zone takes into consideration the relative value provided in those regions.

How do we decide the zones?

Zone segmentation takes into account the market dynamics of each territory including; the number of listings, average sold price, average listing views, watchlist adds, email enquiries, phone reveals, unique users and many other factors.

How do I know what zone I am in?

When your account was created, an email was sent to the business owner confirming your zone. Alternatively, you can find an indicative view of our zone map here.

How do I know what agreement type is on my account?

If an account has signed a Partnership Agreement, this will be indicated on the contract signed for your account. If you are still unsure, please contact our Customer Success team via propertyagents@trademe.co.nz for further information.