Articles which cover subjects where the items in question are probably on the Banned and Restricted list.
Why you cannot sell certain shells on Trade Me.
5 February 2021
How to stay above board when selling light bulbs in New Zealand
Know the rules before you buy and fly
Garmin dog tracking devices can't be sold in NZ as they operate on an illegal frequency.
22 February 2021
Finding a housemate is hard, let hunters know who your 'ideal flatmate' is.
23 February 2021
The tripod fuel tanks that aren't welcome on Trade Me
Your home-made animal remedies must also comply with the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act.
We’ve banned the sale of animal parts from animals listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Enda
15 August 2014
Kapok filled lifejackets or those with cotton straps are unsafe and cannot be sold.
25 February 2021