Articles which cover subjects where the items in question are probably on the Banned and Restricted list.
How to stay above board when selling light bulbs in New Zealand
5 February 2021
Know the rules before you buy and fly
Garmin dog tracking devices can't be sold in NZ as they operate on an illegal frequency.
22 February 2021
Finding a housemate is hard, let hunters know who your 'ideal flatmate' is.
23 February 2021
The tripod fuel tanks that aren't welcome on Trade Me
Your home-made animal remedies must also comply with the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act.
We’ve banned the sale of animal parts from animals listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Enda
15 August 2014
Kapok filled lifejackets or those with cotton straps are unsafe and cannot be sold.
25 February 2021